The Regular maintenance of your fire alarm is essential to make sure the system is operating correctly and will ensure you fulfil your legal obligations under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. JD Fire Alarms can provide a cost effective and compliant solution for you.
We can provide you with routine bi-annual (or quarterly for larger sites) alarm testing & servicing, to ensure that your business remains legally compliant with health and safety measures and, more importantly, continues to keep your business and your staff safe.
We use a CRM system that automatically raises a work order when your service is due and we would then book the visit in at a convenient time with yourselves so you never have to worry about remembering when you service is due.
Our engineers are fully trained and experienced in many types of fire alarm systems and carry a wide selection of parts to repair faults and to ensure equipment is maintained in efficient working order. Upon completion of a service visit we will directly email you a full report and produce a BAFE approved maintenance certificate annually.